The Plan By James Jordan


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The Plan, is the first of many downloadable (printable copy) books, from Professional Golfer & Coach James Jordan. For over a decade, James continues to work and develop some of the brightest stars in junior, high school and collegiate golf. “Illuminating athletes physically, and in personality,” states Coach Jordan.

His book, “The Plan” is a different spin on the usual swing, short game, rules & golf story books. It’s a simplistic “inside the journey” tasking book, on how current juniors, amateurs, adults and professionals can make better use of their practice time. It sites specific tasks and tools, he uses with the best players in his stable. 

It shares the authenticity of what many witness in his day to day journey, with all of his players. He’s been sought out by so many for swing builds (including mine, as I couldn’t be happier in our relationship) yet once you become his “student” he really coaches you the GAME. He’s mentioned to me, that freeing up these tasks and tools to the masses, only seemed right. 

So I asked him… 

“Why this book first JJ?” 

“The countless parents, coaches and golfers that message me, (on how to round out their students and personal games) lit a fire in my soul. As coaches, we can’t help everyone from afar. Swing builds, are custom to each and every individual. A players putting method, is unique to their feel / vision. At times, the same could be said about a players way in their short game fundamentals. And finally, some play the game with a hawkish approach as others tread in a supple manner.”  ~ JJ 

“So JJ, what is “The Plan” and how would you summarize it in a short paragraph?” 

“Its a preparation manual, for all ages to develop their total game. Coaches, Parents, Juniors & Individuals alike. This is “YOUR PLAN.”  ~ James Jordan 



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