Elevate Your Game with James Jordan Golf Clinics Join our exclusive clinics designed for all skill levels! Elevate Your Game with James Jordan Golf Clinics Join our exclusive clinics designed for all skill levels! Elevate Your Game with James Jordan Golf Clinics Join our exclusive clinics designed for all skill levels!



There's no greater feeling to me, than witnessing a Golfer seeing success in their game - JJ 


James Jordan

A Revered Golf Coach and Mentor

With an illustrious career spanning over a decade, James Jordan is a name synonymous with excellence in the realm of golf coaching. As a five-time top Golf Digest instructor, James has cemented his position as one of the most sought-after junior competitive amateur professional coaches worldwide. His unwavering commitment to nurturing world-class juniors has seen him guide and develop thousands of talented young golfers from various corners of the globe.

"We teach, we show, we demonstrate and then... We I.N.S.P.I.R.E." - JJ

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